Wedding gifts are a common tradition in virtually all cultures, ranging from the original dowry that a father would pay his future son-in-law to gifts given by generous well-wishers. Traditionally, wedding gifts were intended to help the bridal couple furnish the home they would soon make together, which is why most people tend to give domestic gifts such as crockery, silverware or bed linen. However, today as many couples live together before getting married, wedding gifts have become more varied and depend very much on the couple.
Wedding Registry
The easiest to way to ensure that you avoid being given a gift that you really don’t like and feel obliged to put on display every time the bearer of the gift comes to visit, is to join a wedding gift registry. An official wedding gift list can help save you embarrassing moments and help your guests choose something that you are going to like. Select the store or department store of your choice, preferably one where you can access the wedding list online and start virtual shopping for all the things you would love to have in your new life with your soon-to-be spouse. That way you can be sure to receive what you really want.
However, beware that despite having a wedding list, many people prefer to buy something personal, indicative of their esteem for you, so don’t rule out the chance that Aunt Maude will give you the multicolored vase that is a 60s heirloom!
In some cultures, it is customary to gift money, although not everyone is comfortable with this. A polite way of asking for money is to have a specific fund, such as a honeymoon fund or a collection for a deposit on a house. In some countries, an envelope is given to guests at their tables to fill at the end of the evening. One way to avoid any misunderstandings about asking for monetary gifts is to set up an online account and add details on the wedding invitation.